To Everyday Blessing!

This blog is to remind me that something good happens everyday!

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Season of Change

It's September, that time of the year again. Time for things to change. Why September you may ask; it may not be so; yet I have seen year after year as July eases past, and August starts marching in... the colors start changing, the colors of life. Soon September is twirling around things with gaiety as I attempt to dance to it's tunes.

   "You are absolutely correct!"
   " But if I was in your place..."
   " No, I think your first decision is better..."
   " Why don't you stay with her, she was looking for  a place?"
   " Hey, stay as a paying guest it's best; less worries."
   " Nope, how can you share a room with complete strangers!"
   " Hey I heard of this place, it's kinda faraway but the rates are good."
   " No Power back up, Madam."
   " Yes, the place is great, great location too, 45k a month and electricity extra"

My brain is buzzing and I still don't have any place to stay! However what I do know is that there will always be a house to find, a promotion to run after, exams to answer, loans to apply for and bills to wring your hands over. And in the end it's the people who effect you the most, people who too come and go with the change of seasons.
  The girl you lived with everyday for three years of college becomes someone you email once a month. Someone you had lunch with everyday, is someone you see once a year and your own sister you grew up with  is in another country and you haven't met her in two years. Your best friends who share a part of your soul now live in cities far away. People you trusted the most for years break your heart.
   Change is at my door again. People I shared my life with must go away again, I shall cease to be the center of the universe for someone. Yet Life must go on, it must get a chance to introduce me to new people, new smiles to smile back at, strange sounds of laughter which will soon turn familiar, the sweetness of finding someone as crazy as you, someone who likes the same music as you do or maybe the same books, new conversations, new findings and the same old life which never ceases to change. The perfect note to end and begin things with, comfort for my soul and balm for my heart.. always... a few beautiful lines of poetry.

"Memory is a tenuous thing. . . .
flickering glimpses, blue
and white, like ancient,
decomposing 16mm film.
Happiness escapes
me there, where faces
are vague and yesterday
seems to come tied
up in ribbons of pain.

Happiness? I look for it intead
in today, where memory
is something I can still
touch, still rely on.
I find it in the smiles
of new friends, the hope
blossoming inside.

My happiest memories
have no place in the
past; they are those
I have yet to create."
— Ellen Hopkins 

The prompt from Red Dress Club:

Labor Day weekend is almost upon us.
It is a time of transition: summer to fall, kids back to school, no more wearing white..
For this week’s prompt, write about a season of change for your character or you. It can be literal or metaphorical.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A little bit of crazy.. maybe a bit too much

I always like to believe that I am crazy in a good way. Mostly logical and sensible and then when I am on the verge of being boring I must do something exciting. However sometimes... just sometimes I act in ways I want to disown myself later for. There is only one word for them "Crazy Temper Tantrums" which catch me unawares when I am feeling a bit under the weather. I think it must be in my blood, I have heard rumors of CTT in my ancestors too. Either ways as hard as I try to disown CTT as a part of me it comes back to haunt me. Either ways Jane Austen seems to get me. For more context read below:

"I have faults enough, but they are not, I hope, of understanding. My temper I dare not vouch for. It is, I believe, too little yielding— certainly too little for the convenience of the world. I cannot forget the follies and vices of other so soon as I ought, nor their offenses against myself. My feelings are not puffed about with every attempt to move them. My temper would perhaps be called resentful. My good opinion once lost, is lost forever." 
— Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice)